2 performance projects shortlisted at this year’s MIXX finals!

2 performance projects shortlisted at this year’s MIXX finals!

It’s a great start of a new year for the growth marketing team at 404! Two of our projects (“Black Friday” and “Aj ti razvali”) have been shortlisted for MIXX annual awards held at Dani komunikacija conference in Rovinj this week (out of 11 finalists from 404 all together). Both projects are competing in Direct response and Lead generation campaigns, and both are for Croatia osiguranje.

300% more leads in just 4 days

Our “Black Friday” campaign was built around one of the most complicated products out there, in terms of online buyer journeys: property insurance. We needed so much information from the customer side that we didn't think it would amount to much, but we were wrong.

The campaign was planned primarily for lead and interest generation, with a tight purchase window of only 4 days. We utilized all available performance channels for lead generation and pulled the trigger. The results were 300% more leads generated than the set KPI, and even more impressive, accomplishing 5 times the average monthly revenue in just 4 days.

Outperformed our KPI by 160 applications 

The task for our other project (“Aj ti razvali”) was to solve an HR nightmare: to attract over 100 applications for an internship program in one of the most competitive career arenas of today: IT. And we nailed it! We ended up with 260 applications – so many that our client had to stop the advertising campaign 2 weeks early because they now had to solve a new problem on their hands: how to process so many leads! Not a bad problem to have.

We’re thrilled to be shortlisted in a competition full of interesting and complex projects. Keep your fingers crossed for your favorite this weekend – we know we will!