404 trends - Creative

404 trends - Creative

New channels and formats have rapidly multiplied over the past few years, and they pose new challenges for the creative industry. Creative professionals’ job is no longer just to raise awareness about a product or generate base consumer loyalty, but to create and improve real customer experience and come up with efficient content directed at every consumer.

Design focusing on service

Nowadays, we don’t just buy a product, we buy the approach and service as well. That is why it is important for designers to be involved in the process of creating services at the earliest stage possible, to understand who the service is intended for, and how it is going to be positioned on the market and in the customer’s everyday life. Since they will often have to design customer experience without visual tools, it will be even more important for them to understand business problems and propose how to improve existing business models or create new ones.

Integrating creative input with digital production

We are all looking for content for ourselves, and if what is on offer does not suit or specific wishes and needs, very often we quite literally don’t see the content. To allow every story to achieve its targeted business result, it is going to be important to create fast and efficient content personalization suited to every individual customer, with even greater connection among digital production, creative and performance teams.

Democratizing creativity

Life in the digital age has allowed us to be more creative in communication than ever before. New possibilities have democratized creativity, making “one time shot” solutions much less efficient. In 2020, heads of creative teams will, therefore, have to focus on increasing the creative potential of each of their team members.